A Modern Approach to Healthcare

Have proudly served over 5000+ patients

Active in the community and serving patients in Boynton Beach & Delray Beach, FL area for over 18 years!


From Salvage to Savage

A coaching program to help get your creative spark back and align it with your intuition, joy, passion, and wallet!

Hey there… yeah you.

I see you, even when you don’t see yourself and we are gonna change that!

Ya see, I know you have big ideas and lofty goals! Imagine if you could get out of your own way, cultivate some time and eliminate all of the clutter in your mind and distractions. Sound to good to be true? Well it’s not! Tons of other women are already doing it, so what’s stopping YOU?

Let’s get laser focused and get your creative spark back to unleash the fire you have inside you that’s just been a low smolder for a while (ok, a really, really, long molasses while).

Basically, I am going to be the friendly and gentle bitchslap you need to get your life game back on point. After the redness fades on the cheek, you will see yourself tapping back into your passion, living authentically and even bringing your biz to the next level.

Just take a breath for a minute and visualize what it would feel like to be loving life, loving what you do and loving yourself while doing it.

Felt damn good, right?

Think about all that wasted energy on negative self talk and asking other people for permission or approval. (This ain’t about them, stop asking!)

We are gonna turn that wasted energy into some next level shit! (Think knife throwing act at the end of America’s Got Talent finale kind of shit).

Then we are gonna take that new found spark and align it with your intuition, joy, passion, and your wallet!

So how does this all work? Glad you asked!

I run my coaching groups in small numbers. 8 to be exact, because it’s the number that represents infinite possibilities and I want to be the first one to believe in you!! You are gonna crush it…you’ll see.

Ok let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

These 8 women need to be willing to dig in and find their grit. I’m going to coach you through it but you still have to do some work.

Did I scare you? Don’t get all worked up.

We are going to take it nice and slow and break it into 5 sessions. Stay with me…

What I do require is your commitment to 5 weekly coaching calls and a willingness to trust the process when you are doing the work! And yes, there will always be some homework.

What?!… WelI I can’t do it all for you, sheesh!

What you will find is through diving deep and slowly making strategic changes you will start to unlock your magic and true potential. It is in this space where a unicorn is born!!

Are you ready to live your life, listening to your intuition, being your truest self, manifesting more joy and making extra income?

Who is ready to be a unicorn?

Ok, so does it still sound magical?

Here are the details of how this all rolls out…

Every week we will have a live call and dissect each topic.






Remember…. there will be homework. If you don’t put in the work then you literally take away squat!

Ready to learn more and RSVP your spot?